Clone of Annual Audit

| Reading Time: 1 Min

The aim of both the legally required as well as the voluntary audit is the submission of an auditing opinion as to whether the financial statements comply with legal requirements and to provide as accurately as possible an indication of the situation as regards assets, finances and revenue. Further, it is to be ascertained whether the review of the situation corresponds with the annual financial statements.

The audits which we can carry out for you of, among others, your annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements are executed in accordance with national and international financial reporting standards for all types of companies, of all sizes, irrespective of the sector. Our audits are carried out in accordance with a risk-oriented audit approach, which is based on national and international rules and principles of proper auditing.

Our audits include the investigation of operational procedures and the controls implemented and installed therein as regards the effects on an efficient internal control system.

We can carry out the following audits for you:

  • Audits of annual financial statements according to the local NFRS for SME for companies of all sizes and from all sectors
  • Audits of affiliated groups including the audits required in accordance with the IFRS or the US-GAAP
  • Audits of associations and non-profit organisations