Transfer Pricing Risk Management

International Tax Risks, Business Model and Market Challenges in Balance

Transfer pricing is the main tax topic on the agenda of all tax administrations, especially in the CEE region.

For tax purposes associated companies must prove that they are acting at arm’s length in their transactions with each other. What qualifies as an arm’s length transaction for tax purposes depends mainly on the business and organizational model of the interacting business units within the group. Transfer pricing is, therefore, a balancing act that requires a close look at the business model, the conditions of the market, where the company operates and the tax framework Hence, transfer pricing challenges require sound risk management.

We can support you in all questions and on all stages of your risk management process: Transfer Pricing Strategy, Documentation, Implementation and Audit defense are our services for you.

TPA Horwath Transfer Pricing experts in CEE/SEE

If you need advise with transfer pricing or risk management contact our international tax experts in in the following countries:

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