Distribution and nature of disinformation

| Reading Time: 2 Min

Misinformation spreads much faster and more efficiently than confirmed information, and artificial intelligence represents a great opportunity for this phenomenon to grow in strength. Regardless of this fact, researchers believe that AI has the potential to make it easier to identify fake news and the channels aiding their dissemination process. These reflections were shared by Ralitsa Kovacheva, editor-in-chief of Factcheck.bg.

The myth

“Social networks are not a source for news – you have to look for reputable, established media in Bulgaria and abroad, sources that can be checked,” she stressed. According to Kovacheva, despite the significant contribution of celebrities, influencers and politicians in spreading misinformation, the main role still remains for ordinary consumers.

“Fake profiles and organised networks are boosting the spread of misinformation, but the main reason for the success of fake news lies in the vulnerable human psyche,” she said, referring to the tireless struggle between truth and lies.


How to make an impact?

According to Kovacheva, without consistent high-quality audience research, it is impossible to accurately assess the impact of misinformation or its spread.

“This can still be observed through indirect consequences such as a change in public opinion on important issues facing Bulgaria, as well as the inability to reach a public consensus on them,” Kovacheva added.

She insisted that the main channel for spreading misinformation, including unintentional dissemination, is individuals, ordinary consumers. This was explained in a study conducted years ago by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which analysed the first ten years of Twitter’s existence.


In her opinion, it is only through proper education that we can build the foundations to combat misinformation. She is convinced that the development of skills in identifying credible sources and media literacy should be included in the curricula.


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